Alliance for Spiritual Community
A grass-roots interfaith organization dedicated to strengthening community, we endeavor to raise consciousness for community and to speak the truth about our communities leading to respect for one another and for our community, trust, hospitality, neighborliness and service.

Contact information:
President, Kay Lindahl, Vice-President, Rick Costa, Secretary, Frank Kieffer
PO Box 6071, Laguna Niguel, CA 92607-6071. Phone: 949-661-3087, Fax: 949-496-5535
; e-mail:

Membership Information:
Membership is open to all interested persons. Our Board of Directors includes members of 10 different faith traditions or spiritual paths.

Goals/ Mission Statement:
Our vision is to co-create spiritual communities of love, trust and mutual respect which embrace our diversity, celebrate the oneness of the human spirit, serve the well-being of the human family and honor the sanctity of all creation. Our mission is to proclaim and affirm the spiritual nature of all communities.

One of the major challenges we have is getting the word out about our events and projects. The other challenge is our lack of financial resources to fund additional projects that would fulfill our mission and vision.

Our vision for building peace focuses on the religious community. We adhere to Hans Kung's statement that there will be no peace among nations until there is peace among religions. Our way to access this peace is through the dialogue process.

Primary Activities:
Our primary activity is to host regular interfaith dialogue meetings where we learn to listen and speak with respect, begin to understand each other and create relationships that transcend our differences. In addition we produce community wide events that offer the opportunity for diverse segments of the community to meet each other - either as a town hall, educational event or an interfaith café format. We also host an annual Leadership Prayer Breakfast, where we honor those from the business, religious, educational, non-profit and elected offices.

We began in 1991 by asking the question what would it be like to have a strong spiritual base in our community? This caused us to look beyond our individual expressions of spirituality and cultures to find that which is common to all human beings - and then to generate what such a community would look like. We are here to support that which makes a difference in our communities.

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