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Reflecting on Peace Practice Workshop

Reflecting on Peace Practice Workshop

Co-sponsored by the Collaborative for Development Action and the Program on Citizen Peacebuilding, University of California, Irvine

Dialogue Efforts in Peace Processes

May 16-18, 2002


The conference brought together peace practitioners and scholars with experience in dialogue processes as a form of citizen peacebuilding.  Issues addressed included understanding effectiveness of peace work, identifying meaningful indicators for peace work, and exploring inadvertent negative impacts of well-intended efforts.

For three days approximately 25 peace practitioners, including international scholar/practitioners and national and local practitioners from selected conflict regions (Northern Ireland, Israel, Guatemala, Southern California) discussed their successes and frustrations in their citizen peacebuilding activities.  All shared concrete experience working with a range of dialogue processes (including so-called back-channel--closed, high level--dialogues, as well as more transparent dialogues involving civil society).  Dialogue work is one of the primary tools used in peace initiatives, and therefore deserves focused examination.  Participants' common experience of dialogue work enabled a more targeted exploration of the broader questions of effectiveness and impact.

Details about the co-sponsoring Reflecting on Peace Practice project and final reports can be found at: www.cdainc.com 

Photos of May 16-18, 2002, UC Irvine
Photos of the final RPP conference, October 28 & 29, 2002, Boston

